+ ÁðÜíôçóç óôï ÈÝìá
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ÁðïôåëÝóìáôá 311 Ýùò 320 áðü 365

ÈÝìá: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

  1. Top - #311

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Test Instructions:

    Go to the link below with the height and width of your window maximized:

    1. 1.1.While focussing your eyes on the grey bars at the bottom
    1. 2.2.Resize the height of your browser window so that the grey boxes are almost touching
    1. 3.3.Resize the browser back to full size
    2. 4.4.Repeat steps 1-3 several times. Do the test while you are looking directly at the screen, do not tilt your screen up or down. Align your eyes perpendicular to the screen.
    Note: Your screen may have the yellow tinge on a corner as opposed to the entire bottom.
    The following links might be useful to help you look for them:

    Top vs Bottom grey bars (single color)
    Left vs Right grey bars

    Confirm whether or not the two bars look indistinguishable in color during the entire test. There maybe slight variability in LCDs, but there should not be a significant color shift. Most of the displays with the issue have a noticeable much warmer (yellowing) tone towards 1/3 bottom of the screen.
    Tip: The grey bars will look identical in color when they are close together (near the top of the screen). The yellowing issue starts from the middle towards the bottom of the screen.

    Tip: The issue will appear to be more severe and more apparent in dark room conditions (preferably with all lights off). It will also be much more apparent if you lower the brightness. Try doing both if you are not sure whether your display has the problem. Do try to play with ambient lighting conditions, sometimes in a very bright environment the yellow tinge is much more subtle.

    Warning: Do Not Tilt the Angle. If you do tilt the screen upwards, the yellow will fade — BUT as this happens, the top of the screen turns Purple, which will be more difficult to notice in grey. Anyway, nobody should be using their iMac in such a way. If you are doing the test, try to align your eyes normally.

    Note: Other forms of color uniformity issues maybe present. There are reports of honeycomb yellowing patterns, yellow band that run horizontally, yellow band that run vertically, and or significant splotches of yellowing towards the lower left or right corner. These maybe developed from the same problem documented here.

    Carefully observe the differences. While there are slight variability for LCDs, there should not be a significant color shift/cast. The color uniformity for LED IPS panels should be very acceptable.

    The above informations are from the forums of MacRumorswhere you can find very detailed references, there are over 134 pages.

    ÌÝóù áὺôῶí ôῶí test öáßíåôáé ἡ ἔëëåéøç óõíïìïëïãçìÝíùí ἰäéïôÞôùí óôὶò LED Apple Cinema Display
    Ðçãὴ : www.perseas.info

    ---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

    My first screen had the yellow tinge and some nasty flickering, along with increasing grey spots on the upper left, exactly in front of the graphic card.

    In an effort to make it obvious for the Apple staff during repair, somebody created a desktop image that shows the problems fairly clearly. While the file is not very helpful in showing the yellow tinge problem, it revealed a weird pattern contamination problem that appears to affect almost all 27" iMacs.

    It's worth mentioning that this file did clearly demonstrate just how many iMac displays are faulty in one way or another, even in the Apple store itself, it looks like these displays are highly inconsistent.

    So, I am sharing the file here to accomplish two things:

    1. Verify that almost all 27" have the same problem
    2. Motivate Apple to resolve this problem quickly


    It's an uncompressed 11meg TIFF image, set it as your desktop image to see it fullscreen.
    Web version:
    In my imac the flickering occurs even in the low analysis of this image when I try to slide left or right inside the window of the test image.

    Ôåëåõôáßá åðåîåñãáóßá: 30-06-2011 óôéò 20:39.

  2. Top - #312
    MacLife Support MihalisGR's Avatar
    Nov 2008
    Ìé÷Üëçò Óßìïò

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Perseas íá óå ðáñáêáëÝóù íá ìçí äçìïóéåýåéò ïëüêëçñá êáôåâáôÜ óôá áããëéêÜ óôï öüñïõì, äéüôé áöåíüò Åëëçíéêü öüñïõì åßìáóôå êáé ãñÜöïõìå ÅëëçíéêÜ êáé áöåôÝñïõ áðáãïñåýåôáé áðü ôïõò üñïõò ÷ñÞóçò. Ðïëý ðåñéóóüôåñï åóý èá Ýðñåðå íá ôï áíôéëáìâÜíåóáé. Áí äåí èÝëåéò íá êÜíåéò ôçí üðïéá ìåôÜöñáóç, Ýíá link áñêåß. ÅðéðëÝïí ôï íá ìáò ðáñáðÝìðåéò äéáñêþò óôçí éóôïóåëßäá óïõ äåí Ý÷åé íüçìá.


  3. Top - #313

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Quote Originally Posted by MihalisGR View Post
    Perseas íá óå ðáñáêáëÝóù íá ìçí äçìïóéåýåéò ïëüêëçñá êáôåâáôÜ óôá áããëéêÜ óôï öüñïõì, äéüôé áöåíüò Åëëçíéêü öüñïõì åßìáóôå êáé ãñÜöïõìå ÅëëçíéêÜ êáé áöåôÝñïõ áðáãïñåýåôáé áðü ôïõò üñïõò ÷ñÞóçò. Ðïëý ðåñéóóüôåñï åóý èá Ýðñåðå íá ôï áíôéëáìâÜíåóáé. Áí äåí èÝëåéò íá êÜíåéò ôçí üðïéá ìåôÜöñáóç, Ýíá link áñêåß. ÅðéðëÝïí ôï íá ìáò ðáñáðÝìðåéò äéáñêþò óôçí éóôïóåëßäá óïõ äåí Ý÷åé íüçìá.

    Êáôáíïçôὸ êáὶ óåâáóôὸ.
    Äὲí èὰ ἐðáíáëçöèῆ.
    Ìðïñåῖôå ἄí èÝëåôå íὰ ἀöáéñÝóåôå ôὰ ἀããëüöùíá posts ðïὺ ἐ÷ù êÜíåé ὥóôå íὰ ìὴ äéáóðᾶôáé ἡ ὁìïéïãÝíåéá êáὶ ἔ÷åôå äßêçï ἕíá link ἦôáí ἀñêåôὸ.

  4. Top - #314
    MacLifer PacManIsBack's Avatar
    Mar 2010

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Ðáéäéá íá ñùôçóù êáôé ïôáí ç ïèïíç ìðáéíåé óå sleep mode êáé ìåôá ôçí ''îõðíáò'' óôçí áñ÷ç ôéôéâéæåé??

  5. Top - #315

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Quote Originally Posted by PacManIsBack View Post
    Ðáéäéá íá ñùôçóù êáôé ïôáí ç ïèïíç ìðáéíåé óå sleep mode êáé ìåôá ôçí ''îõðíáò'' óôçí áñ÷ç ôéôéâéæåé??
    Ï÷é!!!åìåíá äåí ìïõ êáíåé êáðéï èïñõâï!!!áëëá äåí îåñù ìé÷áëç áìá ðáéæåé ñïëï êáé ôï ìïíôåëï ðïõ å÷åéò.

  6. Top - #316
    MacLifer PacManIsBack's Avatar
    Mar 2010

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Quote Originally Posted by spartan View Post
    Ï÷é!!!åìåíá äåí ìïõ êáíåé êáðéï èïñõâï!!!áëëá äåí îåñù ìé÷áëç áìá ðáéæåé ñïëï êáé ôï ìïíôåëï ðïõ å÷åéò.
    Å÷èåò ôï âñáäõ ôï áíáêáëõøá ïôáí õðçñ÷å çóõ÷éá óôï óðéôé ïôáí ìðçêå óå óëéð ìïïõíô ç ïèïíç êáé ôçí áíïéîá åêáíå óáí íá ôéôéâéæåé êáèùò áíïéãå!!! åâáëá êáíá 2-3 öïñåò ôçí ïèïíç óå óëéð íá äù åáí åéíáé áëçèåéá ç åéíáé ç éäåá ìïõ áëëá ðñáãìáôé ç ïèïíç ôéôéâéæå!!!

  7. Top - #317

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Quote Originally Posted by PacManIsBack View Post
    Ðáéäéá íá ñùôçóù êáôé ïôáí ç ïèïíç ìðáéíåé óå sleep mode êáé ìåôá ôçí ''îõðíáò'' óôçí áñ÷ç ôéôéâéæåé??
    ÓõíÞèùò åἶíáé ðñüâëçìá óõíäåäåìÝíï ìὲ ôὴí èåñìéêὴ äéá÷åßñéóç - ëὸãù êáêïῦ ó÷åäéáóìïῦ ôῶí iMac óὲ ó÷ἐóç ìὲ ôὴí ὀèüíç ôïõò.
    Áὐîïìåßùóå ôὴí öùôåéíüôçôá êáὶ ἄêïõ ἄí ἀëëÜæåé ôὸ pitch ôïῦ ἥ÷ïõ.

    imac screen buzz noise óôὴí Google=3200.000 ἀðïôåëÝóìáôá ...

    Ìüëéò êñõþóåé ôὸ ìç÷Üíçìá èὰ óôáìáôÞóç íὰ ôὸ êÜíç.
    Ôåëåõôáßá åðåîåñãáóßá: 02-07-2011 óôéò 15:22.

  8. Top - #318
    MacLifer PacManIsBack's Avatar
    Mar 2010

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Íáé ðñáãìáôé ïôáí ôï áöçóù ôï ìç÷áíçìá óå sleep mode êáìéá ùñá óôáìáôáåé ç ïèïíç ôá ôéôéâéæåé. Ïôáí îáíáæåóôáèåé ôï ìç÷áíçìá îáíáôéôéâéæåé [ïôáí âåâáéá ç öùôåéíïôçôá åéíáé óå õøçëá åðéðåäá óå ÷áìçëá åðéðåäá äåí áêïõãåôáé êáé ôïóï]!!

  9. Top - #319

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Quote Originally Posted by PacManIsBack View Post
    Íáé ðñáãìáôé ïôáí ôï áöçóù ôï ìç÷áíçìá óå sleep mode êáìéá ùñá óôáìáôáåé ç ïèïíç ôá ôéôéâéæåé. Ïôáí îáíáæåóôáèåé ôï ìç÷áíçìá îáíáôéôéâéæåé [ïôáí âåâáéá ç öùôåéíïôçôá åéíáé óå õøçëá åðéðåäá óå ÷áìçëá åðéðåäá äåí áêïõãåôáé êáé ôïóï]!!
    Êáὶ ôὸ äéêὸ ìïõ ἔôóé ἐêáíå ἀëëὰ îÝ÷áóá íὰ ôὸ ãñÜøù, ôὶ íá ðñùôïãñÜøåé êáíåὶò... ἕíá-ἕíá ôὰ èõìÜìáé
    Ëßãï êáéñὸ ìåôὰ ἄñ÷éóå ôὸ flickering

  10. Top - #320
    MacLifer PacManIsBack's Avatar
    Mar 2010

    ÐñïåðéëïãÞ Re: Óêéåò óôçí ïèïíç ôïõ iMac

    Êáëçóðåñá óáò!! Êáôáñ÷çí íá ðù ðùò áõñéï êé ïëáò èá ðáñù ôçëåöùíï ãéá ôï óåñâéò ôçò ïèïíçò. Å÷ù ïìùò ìéá áðïñéá ðñïâëåðù ðùò ç ïèïíç èá ÷áëáóåé êáé ãéá 3ç öïñá êáé ôïôå ðñåðåé íá ãéíåé áíôéêáôáóôáóç!! Ðùò ïìùò èá ðù ðùò äéêáéïõìáé áíôéêáôáóôáóç ìåôá áðï ôñåéò(3) áëëáãåò ïèïíùí??Ëïãù ôï ïôé åäù óôá ìïõëôéñáìá Óáëáìéíáò äåí îåñïõí ðïõ ðáí ôá ôåóóåñá

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